Sunday 12 June 2011

Beloved Friends

salam..entry hari ni nk cter sikit tentang pengorbanan kawan..
ak terharu dengan dua org mmber baek ak ni..nme diorang Syeera and Wawa..knape ak nk cter psal bdak dua org ni, ape yg special sgt psal dorg ni smpai msuk dlm entry ni..well actually , dorg sgt special dlm hdup ak.. Dorg bnyk bantu ak sjk ak jdi Komander, bnyk support ak, bnyk bgi nsihat, bnyk motivate ak..ak syg giler ngn dorg stu hari tu Uitm sgamat x de air, pgi tu plak ak ad kelas, so ak mmg x mndi la kn, just bsuh muka n gosk gigi je...dh sah2  la mngntuk dlm kelas, bile mmber2 ak tnye ak knpe, ak diam je la sbb ngantuk sgt ..abis je kelas tiba2 ak dpt msg dri SYEERA, (sha, PLEASE REST, keje MAF ko x yah buat, kesian ak tgk ko, pleaseeeeeeeeeee) lepas je ak bce msg dri syeera ak rse sbak sgt sbb smpai mcm tu skali mmber2 ak ambil berat..Tq u guysssssss because still tlg ak, sumpah ak syg giler kat korg dua org..Maaf kn ak kalau slama ni ak myusah kn korg slama ni, hanya ALLAH yg dpt balas jasa korg slama ni...I LUV U BOTH...MUAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Sakit ku

entry aku hari ni, berkenaan dgn sakit yang menyerang ak dah nak dekat 2 bulan..
sakit ak ni boleh dikategorikan mcm kena kayap pun ad, elergi pn ad, kene kurap pun ad..yg pelik nye sakit ak ni die gatal2 satu badan sampai bole jdi berok la ak ckp..asik tergaru sana, tergaru sini..ak kene sakit ni lepas segamat banjir..first die keluar bntik2 mcm kene gigit pijat, pastu ak jmpe doktor, dktor kate ak kene gigt pijat.well tu bole trima la kan sbb stndard la kene gigit pijat...tpi ape yg msalhnye, sakit ak x baek2..abis je jmpe dktor kt UITM, ak pegi jmpe lebih kurg 6 pkar kulit, n still x baek2...sampai bdn ak dh jdi terok yg thap org tengok pn nk nangis ..even nk mndi pn jdi pedih yg tramat2 hnya ALLAH je tau btapa perit nya skit ni..
Semalam ak ad jmpe nenek  yg jga ak wktu kecik, ak pnggil nenek piah...nenek piah ni dberi kelebihn oleh Allah ad kmahiran tgk perkara2 halus..nenek perhati je gerak geri ak smalam..then nenek ckp ad bnde halus yg nk dkt dgn ak, so nenek nasihat ak untuk minum air yg die dah jmpi..ak harap ak smboh dri pnyakit yg myakitkn ni,,esok ak akn jmpe dgn pakr kulit kt KPJ AMPANG PUTERI untuk tau ape sbnarnye pnykit ak ni..
tolng la doakan kesihatan ak, smoga ak semboh n bole jlani khidupn mcm biasa..aminnnnnn

Wednesday 1 June 2011

Friends =) post especially to my friends = P 
I Love You Guys So Much 

Even though we've changed and we're all finding our own place in the world, we all know that when the tears fall or the smile spreads across our face, we'll come to each other because no matter where this crazy world takes us, nothing will ever change that you are my friends.



“If ever there is tomorrow when we're not together.. there is something you must always remember. you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. but the most important thing is, even if we're apart.. i'll always be with you.”



“If you live to be 100, I hope I live to be 100 minus 1 day, so I never have to live without you.”


"A hug is worth a thousand words. A friend is worth more."